The Kemco-Seika legacy, explored in Episode 231

This week's podcast is one of those episodes that seemed like a good idea when we came up with the concept, but then turned out to be... not great. It's not that Kemco-Seika didn't publish good games, but the beloved masterpieces they built their name on were created by someone else originally. And their other enduring legacy is of a franchise that bounced around from mascot to mascot (sometimes several time for the same game!) and never really evolved beyond the simple NES puzzle-platformer that started it. Yes, we talk about Shadowgate and Crazy Castle this week... and also about Sword of Hope and Lagoon and a lot of other esoteric or questionable games.

We admittedly forgot to discuss Top Gear, which doesn't hold up so well, but dang was it cool in 1992. Ah well.

Anyway, Anthony Schwader joins once again for the final entry in our series of episodes recorded live at Midwest Gaming Classic 2019. Just in time for live episodes to be recorded at Long Island Retro Gaming Expo 2019 next month!

Retronauts Episode 231: Kemco-Seika

MP3, 32.1 MB | 1:07:45
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Episode description: Jeremy Parish and Anthony Schwader look back at the checkered history of publisher Kemco-Seika—from iffy original works to beloved conversions of computer classics. And lots of Crazy Castles.