Retronauts Episode 318: Cowboy Games

Well lookie here, this week's episode of Retronauts is what you'd call a "roundup" of classic video games discussed by a right proper group of experts who have a heap of smart things to say about 'em!

(I'm sorry, I'll stop doing that now)

In all seriousness, this week's episode is a delightful rundown of cowboy-themed video games - of which there are a surprising amount! - by four of our favorite podcast hosts/guests: Bob Mackey, Jeremy Parish, Henry Gilbert, and Nina Matsumoto. It's not a comprehensive list of every cowboy video game ever made (in fact, we only reached 1991 this time so you're darn tootin' there'll be a follow-up episode) but it is a good overview of the ones that matter the most.

Description: Believe it or not, there are topics we've never covered in the past 14 years of Retronauts, so it's always a treat to shine the podcasting spotlight on a subject that's gone untouched. And this week, we're talking all about cowboy games: the genre that traces its roots back to the very beginning of the medium, and only recently came back into vogue thanks to the wildly popular Red Dead Redemption series. On this episode, join Bob Mackey, Jeremy Parish, Henry Gilbert, and Nina Matsumoto as the crew looks at the rootinest, shootinest Western games made between 1975 and 1991. And stay tuned for part two, ya varmint!
Be sure to read Nina's newest book: Sparks! Double Dog Dare.

Retronauts is a completely fan-funded operation. To support the show, and get exclusive episodes every month, please visit the official Retronauts Patreon.

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As with all of the episodes Bob produces, this week’s cover art is by Nick Daniel. Check out his Twitter, or patronize his Patreon!