Retronauts Episode 329: '90s Video Game Websites

The internet is young. A person who grew up using the internet might be in their 30s by now, but the medium of the internet is still much younger than any of its peers. However, the nature of the internet has led it to transform the conversation we have about so many everyday topics - especially video games which is directly relevant to our podcast!

For those who can remember, it was video game fans who were amongst the earliest adopters of the internet in the 1990s and quickly built spaces for themselves when the World Wide Web was not Wide at all. Can you imagine an era when typing "Final Fantasy" into a search engine and getting zero results? I don't have to imagine it because I was there.

Speaking of "there," Jeremy Parish was certainly alive and an active web user in the 1990s along with our guests this week, Brandon Teel and Andrew Vestal. Listen to these three net-veterans swap war stories, including a surprise conflict from the past between two of the three voices on the show!

Description: Jeremy Parish takes a trip back 20-odd years to the early days of the World Wide Web to revisit the era’s online culture with two pioneers of the games internet: Andrew Vestal (The Unofficial Squaresoft Homepage) and Brandon Teel (Zany Video Game Quotes).

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Artwork for this episode by John Pading and editing thanks go to Greg Leahy.