Retronauts Episode 378: Moogle Madness

The Final Fantasy series has been around for decades now and everyone loves chocobos, the race of birds that serve as both entertainment and transportation. But there's another race of mascots in the series who have been around almost as long: Moogles.

This week we dive into the history of Moogles, learn the etymology behind their original Japanese name (it's a portmanteau), and discover that their creator conceived of them many years before Final Fantasy ever existed. Joining Bob and Jeremy on this fuzzy fact-finding flight of fancy is friendly frequenter Henry Gilbert of Talking Simpsons/What A Cartoon and Final Fantasy expert Chris Kohler of Digital Eclipse.

Description: While chocobos have become the dominant Final Fantasy mascot over the past three decades, moogles don't receive quite as much attention as Square's feathered friends. In some games, they're simply part of the world, while in other games, they're relegated to references and tutorial sections. But what are these strange mole/bat, creatures, where did they come from, and how has Square used (or underused) these little scamps over time? On this episode, join Bob Mackey, Jeremy Parish, Chris Kohler, and Henry Gilbert as the crew traces the moogle mythology from 1990 to 2021. It'll be more exciting than a game of Mog House!

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As with all of the episodes Bob produces, this week’s cover art is by Nick Daniel. Check out his Twitter, or patronize his Patreon!