Retronauts Episode 407: Lego Games

Lego video games...if you think about it, it doesn't really make any sense, does it? Why did a line of toy building blocks, by definition a tactile experience, spawn a series of games where said blocks take a backseat to popular licensed characters and scenarios reimagined with small plastic people?

We are but humble podcasters so it is not our place to question the WHYs of the universe, but we do our best on this episode to cover the HOW, as we recall the pre-video game history of Legos as children's toys before one key collaboration launched a massive crossover franchise.

Your host this week is Stuart Gipp who is joined by Jeremy Parish and patreon supporter Jeff Vlasek, all of whom stand united in their opinion that our listeners must not attempt to imitate Lego figures by swapping their heads or legs with one another.

Description: Stuart Gipp makes his hosting debut as he intrepidly leads the charge to discuss the history of LEGO games with Jeremy Parish and Jeff Vlasek (by patron request!). This episode is guaranteed to be more enjoyable than stepping on a LEGO brick in the dark!

Retronauts is a completely fan-funded operation. To support the show, and get exclusive episodes every month, please visit the official Retronauts Patreon.

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Artwork for this episode by Leeann Hamilton and editing thanks go to Greg Leahy.