Kickstarter Kompilation: November 2021 Edition

Spooky is out, summer is way out, and we're in the home stretch for 2021. Who's up for crowdfunding some video games? As always, we have no insider information or financial interest in any of these projects, and no one at Retronauts has been compensated for including anything on this page. Also, in light of the ongoing pandemic, we recommend only backing crowdfunding campaigns if you feel comfortable with your own security and stability.

Ætheris (ends Nov 4 estimated reward date April 2023)
It's a bit presumptuous to describe your own project as "gorgeous" but this is indeed a very pretty roguelite that doesn't look like any other game I can think of. Lots of colors without a pixel or a polygon in sight.

Resident Evil: The Board Game (ends Nov 11 estimated reward date March 2023)
This is an officially licensed adaptation of the 2002 (not 1996) version of Resident Evil, one that looks to touch all the bases: Open exploration gated by locked doors and puzzles with limited resources. There's a "danger level" (should've been "hazard level") that increases throughout the game, making every move more risky. The box includes mini figurines of the four main heroes and lots of monsters, with extras for those willing to pledge more. Up to four can play at once, although there's also a "solo mode" if you prefer your survival horror to be more authentic.

The Abandoned Realm (ends Nov 12 estimated reward date April 2022)
As the name implies, this game takes place in a world where its denizens are seeking to reconnect with their creator—the catch being that they are characters in a JRPG that no one plays anymore. It's a meta concept, and the game looks appropriately retro for a world fallen into neglect.

Silent Santicado (ends Nov 19 estimated reward date February 2023)
Behold another indie Metroidvania! Seriously though, if you ask me I always want more of these games and this one in particular looks very nice. It has a most UNcolorful palette which serves to accentuate the pigments that do exist.

Cartomancy (ends Nov 25 estimated reward date June 2022)
Did you know I like tarot cards? I like tarot cards, and they are certainly weaved into the lengthy human history of playing games. This project is a collaborative work with separate teams of developers adapting each of the 22 Major Arcana cards (the famous ones you've heard of like "Death" and "The World") into "digital experiences."
Full disclosure: I know at least one developer working on this project, but they're great at making cool stuff so consider me on board.

tanoshibe (ends Nov 21 estimated reward date March 2022)
For the arcade lovers out there, tanoshibe is a tabletop device with an HD screen and two full sets of joysticks & buttons. It connects to other consoles (or a PC or even mobile devices) so players can enjoy their entire library of games as if they're in an arcade. tanoshibe also includes an assortment of emulators and maybe also games (although they don't mention any titles, so I wouldn't make any assumptions). I don't have room for this but I wish I did!