Retronauts Episode 452: The Amiga

Ready for a twist? You might want to sit down first: This week's episode, hosted by Stuart Gipp with guest Dave Bulmer, is not about a British topic.

Go ahead, put your monocles back on.

No, really, the Amiga (or Commodore Amiga) was neither designed nor produced in the United Kingdom. However, it proved to be a nice fit into that nation's computing culture in the 1980s and 1990s, and found great success there as both a gaming machine and as a creativity catalyst. It certainly left an impression on the two Brits lending their voices to our podcast, so much so that they talk for two hours in explaining why it mattered to them. Also, they found out during the recording about the passing of Gilbert Gottfried, so look forward to that moment of genuine human emotion.

Description: Stuart Gipp and Dave Bulmer unite to discuss that most esoteric and exciting of computers, the Amiga. History is revealed, many excellent and emotionally powerful games are discussed, and Gilbert Gottfried sadly passes away—almost derailing the podcast.

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Artwork for this episode by Leeann Hamilton and editing thanks go to Greg Leahy.