Kickstarter Kompilation: March 2023 edition

Hi everyone! This is normally a paragraph where I make some idle chit-chat before telling you "we have no insider information or financial interest in any of these projects, and no one at Retronauts has been compensated for including anything on this page" but that's not exactly true this month as not one but two campaigns directly benefit some familiar faces. At the very least, I can assure you that I was not paid any money to write about anything you see below, so my integrity remains above reproach.
Also, in light of the ongoing pandemic, we recommend only backing crowdfunding campaigns if you feel comfortable with your own security and stability.

Boss Fight Books Season 6 (ends March 8 estimated reward date August 2023)
I still think it's a little weird to describe the printed page in terms of "seasons" but we've featured Boss Fight Books several times in the past so it's not like I hold it against them. Besides, their upcoming run of four books will include one about Day of the Tentacle by our very own Bob Mackey! Other topics covered by different authors include Parappa the Rapper, Minesweeper, and Animal Crossing, all video games worthy of in-depth discussion.

Sonic the Comic Con (ends March 20 estimated reward date May 2023)
Get your masks and hand-sanitizer ready as this live, in-person event will celebrate 30 years of Sonic the Comic, the UK serialized print adaptation of Sega's most famous hedgehog. Of particular note to our audience is the promised presence of Retronaut Stuart Gipp and regular guest Dave Bulmer, Sonic experts both.

Beyond Shadowgate (ends March 20 estimated reward date September 2023)
The adventure game grew steadily as a genre throughout the 1980s largely on computers rather than console, but the NES had its share of point-and-click press titles too, with Shadowgate being one of the more infamous for its morbid, liberal use of death as a consequence for many of the player's actions. More than 30 years later, members of that development team want to create a brand-new sequel yet retain the 8-bit aesthetic that helped make Shadowgate so memorable.
Just so we're clear: Beyond Shadowgate may look like an NES game, and one of the higher Kickstarter tier will include a replica cartridge, but the game will only run on computers. A demo which includes an optional walkthrough is already available on the campaign page, and with the main game already funded, stretch goals are being added to incorporate elements from Shadowgate's spiritual siblings like Deja Vu and Uninvited.

MGSCON! (ends March 25 estimated reward date July 2023)
A Metal Gear fan convention!? Likely timed to coincide with the upcoming 25th anniversary of Metal Gear Solid, this event seeks to bring together people in love with the tactical stealth action classic and some of the people behind said tactical stealth action classic. I doubt Kojima will make the trip to LA but some of the voice actors appear to be on board.

Ultra Pro Wrestling (ends March 30 estimated reward date August 2024)
If you've followed my regular This Week In Retro columns you know I'm a huge mark for the AKI-developed pro wrestling games made for the Nintendo 64 and I believe it's a shame the company seems to have lost interest in the squared circle. Yet fans never say die, and Ultra Pro Wrestling is an indie title meant to follow in AKI's footsteps. Naturally, this project is unaffiliated with any real-life wrestling promotions, so don't expect Stone Cold or Sting to run into the arena unannounced, but Hyperfocus Games promises "at least 100 original characters" at launch.