Kickstarter Kompilation: August 2023 edition

I've got a plane to catch tomorrow morning so let's cut to the chase: As always, we have no insider information or financial interest in any of these projects, and no one at Retronauts has been compensated for including anything on this page. Also, in light of the ongoing pandemic, we recommend only backing crowdfunding campaigns if you feel comfortable with your own security and stability.

The Fallen Crown (ends August 2 estimated reward date Aug 2024)
An indie Metroidvania that's also a Game Boy Color throwback? Complete with a "slime green" cartridge for backers at the €45 level? And the protagonist is little more than a skull with legs? Pretty incredible list of bullet points for this campaign.

The World of Nintendo Book (ends August 15 estimated reward date Jun 2024)
The title above is a bit of a misnomer, as Author Andy Cunningham is actually producing two books covering the history of Nintendo's efforts to market the company's offerings as more than just games or toys. The first volume is complete while the second is in progress; backers may receive either tome or both depending on their pledge level.

No Body (ends August 16 estimated reward date Mar 2024)
"Inspired by Undertale, Silent Hill, and A Night In The Woods" is a heck of a claim, but after three years of development, project lead Magnum Phoenix calls this a "dream game." While I suspect they meant that in the "I can't believe I'm making this" sense, it also applies in the "whoa, what is this" sense—I say that as a compliment, for the record.

Tempered Vengeance (ends August 19 estimated reward date Nov 2023)
Developer David Clark compares this new NES game as "similar to The Legend of Zelda" although it reminds me of Crystalis as well. This might be a tomato/tomato situation, although that joke works better said aloud than in print.

Sunsoft Revival Project (ends August 30 estimated reward date Feb 2024)
As part of Sunsoft's recent push to re-enter the limelight of game development and celebrate their past titles, the company is looking to fans to help back a revival of three early Famicom games for modern consoles: Tōkaidō Gojūsan-tsugi, The Wing of Madoola, and Ripple Island. None of these games ever came to the NES.

Ratatan (ends August 31 estimated reward date Apr 2025)
You may have ready about this news during the recent indie game festival BitSummit in Kyoto, but as of today the creator of Patapon has begun a Kickstarter campaign to make a spiritual sequel called Ratatan. The creatures look the same, the logo looks the same, and you can say the title with the same cadence. But hey, if Sony doesn't want to make more Patapon, somebody should.