Retronauts Episode 566: Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

Earlier this summer, Nintendo shocked the internet by announcing a Super Mario RPG remake coming this fall. Fans long assumed Nintendo would decline to revisit the 1996 Square game when the company could focus on its own Paper Mario series.

Then last month, out of nowhere, Nintendo dropped another bombshell when the company announced a Paper Mario RPG remake is coming next year. Oh, sorry, in English it's known as Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door but I think the similarity between the Japanese titles of these two remakes is too interesting not to mention.

Nadia Oxford of Axe of the Blood God hosts this week, joined by her husband, David Oxford, and potential long-lost third cousin Stuart Gipp. I just made that up but wouldn't that be something?

Description: Nadia Oxford joins Stuart Gipp and David Oxford as they talk about Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door's charm and wit. There's a reason this game is still folded tightly in the hearts of GameCube owners.

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Artwork for this episode by Amanda Neipris and editing thanks go to Greg Leahy.