Retronauts Episode 578: Mega Man Comics

We enjoy our Mega Man adventures here at Retronauts, though given the focus of our podcast, we've naturally focused on Capcom's many interactive software titles starring the little blue robot. Yet his history exists outside of the realm of video games as well.

With that in mind, our resident Mega expert Nadia Oxford hosts this discussion about Mega Man comic books, particularly the ones produced by Archie Comics in the United States. Joining her on the program are fellow Rock-heads David Oxford and author Ian Flynn who wrote many of the books we discuss this week.

Description: Nadia talks about Archie's late Mega Man comic series with her husband and fellow author David Oxford, as well as former series writer (and current Sonic Comic writer) Ian Flynn. Archie Megaman was gone too soon. Is there any hope for a Mega-revival?

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Artwork for this episode by Greg Melo and editing thanks go to Greg Leahy.