Retronauts Episode 591: Gaming's Cruelest Challenges

Time for brutal honesty: I find a lot of video games very hard. I couldn't say if it's my age or if games are truly pushing the envelope of difficulty, but these days if you offer me a choice, I always pick Easy Mode.

Regardless of my shortcomings, this week's episode is all about unfairly challenging video games, the ones that make unreasonable demands on players' time and energy, either by choice or due to programmer error. But both count, and we're going to complain about them

By "we" I mean host Jeremy Parish and regular voices Ray Barnholt, Stuart Gipp and Jess O'Brien. Unfortunately I couldn't make this recording, because if I did you'd have heard an earful about SNK Boss Syndrome.

Description: Jeremy Parish, Ray Barnholt, Stuart Gipp, and Jess O'Brien crowd onto a therapist's couch as they work through the trauma of playing the cruelest video games ever made. From poison mushrooms to broken puzzle translations, it's PTSD all the way down.

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MP3, 62 MB | 2:09:41 Direct download Retronauts on iTunes Retronauts at Audioboom

Artwork for this episode by Nick Wanserski and editing thanks go to Greg Leahy.