Mail call: SEGA's arcade creations, 1988-1990

It's that time once again! The Retronauts East crew will be getting back together tomorrow to discuss the highs and lows (mostly highs) of SEGA's arcade releases. We've covered their early years, and their incredible run of 1986/87 classics. Next, we'll be talking up everything they shipped in 1988, 1989, and 1990. That includes things like Golden Axe, Galaxy Force, Altered Beast, and even Tetris

As usual, we want to enhace our own recollections with yours. Were you the god of Gain Ground? The devastator of Dynamite Dux? The pontiff of Power Drift? The boss of Bonanza Bros.? Tell us all about it!

Please send in your letters by noon ET tomorrow (that's Wednesday Sept. 19). You can either leave your thoughts in the comments below or send me an email at jparish [at] We love incorporating your memories into the show! And I like having the excuse to include our mailbag theme, if we're being honest here.