YouTube Round-up | Lost in a Forest

What IS going on, everybody -- ya girl Kim is back from the holidays at last, which means it's time for another YouTube round-up! The first one of 2018, in fact. Of course, if you've been following the news you'll know that YouTubers have already made a big impact of 2018, in kind of the absolute worst way possible with one of the hottest stars of the platform managing an act of obnoxious dickery and exploitation so callous, even the best satirists would never have been able to think of it. But enough about that -- it's time for the best videos of the week from actual good people on the platform. The only dead bodies you're going to see here are virtual ones. Let's go!

And that'll do it for this week! Join us once again next Friday as the ideal way to kick off your weekend returns. For now, you can use this as some nice background noise for taking down all those Christmas decorations, or rushing through your tax return or whatever else you need to do this month. Enjoy!