YouTube Round-up | Let's peep this out

It's time once again! And for once, nothing terrible has happened on YouTube for the past few days! At least, I'm hoping it hasn't -- I'm having to write this on Wednesday as I'm going on a much-needed vacation to the Netherlands for the next few days. For all I know, in the time between me writing this and it going live Jacksepticeye may well have beaten up a baby. Tyler Oakley could be revealed as the KKK's Grand Dragon. Hell, maybe I've done something terrible while I'm abroad! If this is the case, then I would like to take this opportunity to pre-emptively sincerely apologise if you're offended by whatever it is that I've not done yet but will do, and I would like to stress that the charity shop was like that when I got there. But enough about that -- it's time for the YouTube round-up! Here's some awesomeness to start your weekend off just right.

And that'll do it for another week! Please join me in seven days' time, where I'll be providing you with another dose of YouTube's best. That is, if I'm not locked up in some Dutch prison for the horrible thing that brought YouTubers to shame once again that I might have done before this gets published which I talked about in the introductory paragraph. Bye for now!