Mail call: Broderbund, Wizardry, and more!

It's been a while, but the time has come again. Yes, it's time for us to open the gates of email and request a flood of listener mail. We're going to be recording something like a dozen episodes of Retronauts over the next two weeks, including a few fan-favorite topics and several interviews with legendary game developers. It's all very exciting! And we'd like to bring you, the rad people who love Retronauts, into the loop.

We'll begin recording tomorrow (Wednesday), so please drop an email to jparish [at] with your choice of topic in the subject line if you'd like to join in the conversation! I recommend you keep your message to fewer than 200 words, and stick to one topic per message to help us keep things organized. (Feel free to send more than one email, of course.)

First up: Brøderbund.

By Patron request, we'll be diving into the corporate history and game catalog of the late, lamented publisher Brøderbund (or Broderbund, as our CMS demands we call it in the headline). They brought some genuine heavy-hitters into the world, including Choplifter, Lode Runner, Prince of Persia, and Myst. We've touched on a lot of these games before, but we'll be exploring them and their creators in greater depth this week. Have any memories or comments you'd care to share? Write!

Then: Vintage computer collecting

Recently, Benj Edwards announced that in order to make room for a move, he needs to clear out the extensive collection of vintage computers he's amassed over the past 20-odd years. We're going to be chatting about the collection — how he built it, the most interesting and unsual systems he's acquired, and his hopes for the future of microcomputer archivism. If there's anything you've been dying to know about old PCs, this is your chance to ask an expert.

Finally: Wizardry

Legendary RPG design and anime impresario Robert Woodhead has kindly agreed to come onto the show to discuss the origins of the Wizardry series, the early days of role-playing games, and maybe even some anime — who knows! If you have any questions for Robert, we'll be happy to pass them along and try to get them answered on the show.

Again, drop me a line at jparish [at] by Wednesday morning and we'll do our best to get your comments onto these episodes. (You can also post a comment here, though I can't promise 100% those will make it onto the show.) Thank you!