Mailbag call: What's your favorite PlayStation soundtrack?

Here's a second call for reader mail for our upcoming weekend recording sessions, and a somewhat broader topic than the Mario 2 mailbag: Namely, we want to talk about PlayStation music. That's PlayStation 1 specifically — a period of real creativity and innovation in game soundtracks, which predates the shift to more subdued, film-like music in games that would take place the following hardware generation.

We want to take your temperature on classic PS1 soundtracks. Do you have a favorite game score? A favorite composer or developer, musically speaking? Or do you have your own thoughts in general on the PS1 era of music? What made it special, the technical secret sauce involved — whatever. We're interested in this.

If you'd like to contribute to our upcoming episode, all you need to do is write. Send us a letter (to jparish [at]] or leave a message in the comments thread below! All we ask is that you keep your comments in the 150-200 word range and submit your opinions by Friday evening, since we're recording Saturday.

Thanks, and we look forward to hearing from you, as always!

Header image credit: Evan Amos