Mail call: It's Chrono Trigger time

OK, I have one final listener mail submission request for this weekend's podcast sessions, and it's a good one: Square's Super NES role-playing classic Chrono Trigger. This technically counts as the next entry in our Final Fantasy deep-dive series! And, as such, it'll be the same crew as usual: Myself, Bob, USgamer's Kat Bailey, and Kotaku's Chris Kohler. We'll be waxing rhapsodic about Chrono Trigger on Sunday, and we'd like to invite you to join the party.

So! As per usual, you can contribute by either sending an email to me at jparish [at], or else you can just do the thing where you post in the comments below. However you choose to correspond, all we ask is that you keep it to about 150-200 words. Use your powers of editing and tell us what you think of Chrono Trigger. Genius? Overrated? Why do you feel that way? Tell us… by end of day Saturday. Thanks!