Hmmm, yes... a Micro episode that's almost as long as this week's full and proper podcast. Big surprise there.
Well, what can you do. We just had a lot to say about this particular topic, a personal childhood favorite of mine. Disney's Tron was made for little nerds like me: A cool-looking cartoon of a movie about video games, which inspired some pretty great video games (including one heck of an early-millennium first-person shooter from Monolith).
I flew solo for this one as Bob doesn't have much experience with Tron, but fortunately Anthony Schwader of the Game & Movie podcast was able to step in. It doesn't get much more game-and-movie than Tron...
We hit on the movie and its games here, from the arcade classic to Tron 2.0. And there's still plenty we left out! Maybe when Tron 2.0 turns 10...
Retronauts Micro 94
MP3, 34.9 MB | 1:14:30
Direct download | Retronauts on iTunes | Retronauts at PodcastOne
Episode description: Greetings, programs! Anthony Schwader of the Game & Movie podcast joins Jeremy to discuss games about a movie about games: Disney's Tron, and all its tie-in video game creations.