Retronauts Episode 554: Valiant's Nintendo Comics

With the absolute state of marketing lockdowns and strict brand controls in place today, it can be hard to recall a time when video game companies licensed their material out to just about anyone who came calling. For one juicy example, recall that in episode 423 we discussed Malibu Comics' deranged take on Street Fighter which Capcom pulled the plug on after just three issues.

On a similar but far less incendiary note, Nadia Oxford spends this week's episode examining what happened when Valiant Comics took Nintendo's precious video game characters and had them star in their own series of books in the early 1990s. Joining her on the podcast are fellow Valiantverse experts Matt Green and Daniel Kaszor.

Description: When the NES was born, so too were books based on Nintendo's characters. Nadia Oxford leads an essential conversation about the gilded age when Valiant Comics took a crack at putting Mario et al. on paper.

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Artwork for this episode by John Pading and editing thanks go to Greg Leahy.