Retronauts Episode 423: Street Fighter II: Beyond the Game
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Man alive, you know what's a great video game? Street Fighter II. Since this landmark of the medium turned 30 years old this year, we at Retronauts have been going over the Street Fighter franchise piece by piece. We began with the original, then II, followed by Final Fight, and then we recorded a second episode about the many revisions of II that kept the hype alive.
This week's episode is about a different kind of hype, the kind that no doubt helped Capcom stay in the black for years: Adapatations of Street Fighter II in other media. Movies, comics, cartoons, music…Street Fighter II touched all of these things, and in turn touched a generation of kids who grew up with them. Are all of them on par with the excellence of the game itself? Oh my no, but they're certainly fun to discuss.
Hosting this week is yours truly, Diamond Feit, and our guests are returning experts Shivam Bhatt and Matt McMuscles. Together, we form an elite group of international crime fighters merely posing as podcasters to cover for our extrajudicial activities around the globe (thank you again for your Patreon support, it keeps our collective streets safe and fight-free).
Description: When is a game not just a game? Continuing our series on the fighting game franchise that changed the world, host Diamond Feit and returning guests Shivam Bhatt & Matt McMuscles explore the world of Street Fighter II-related media.
Retronauts is a completely fan-funded operation. To support the show, and get exclusive episodes every month, please visit the official Retronauts Patreon.
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Artwork for this episode by Leeann Hamilton and editing thanks go to Greg Leahy.