Retronauts Episode 585: The Years-In-Review Revue: 1994

Nelson Mandela wins a historic election in South Africa. Coolio takes us on a Fantastic Voyage. Keanu Reeves boards a bus that cannot slow down. We're not talking about any of these epic memories on the podcast this week but I promise, they all took place in 1994.

First though, we spend about 30 minutes summarizing a few facts from 1984 because Jeremy Parish's episode #582 didn't quite cover all the major computer releases of that year. But once we rap about the Macintosh and a couple Commodore 64 classics, our panel of Jeremy, Stuart Gipp, Kevin Bunch, Diamond Feit (hi), and Jared Petty move right along to 1994. Be warned: this includes sports talk because I am still upset about decisions made 30 years ago.

Description: Jeremy Parish, Diamond Feit, Stuart Gipp, Kevin Bunch, AND Jared Petty all somehow manage to cram into a single podcast to finish up out conversation about the year 1984 before leaping through time a decade to wrangle the facts about ’94! Amazing!

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Artwork for this episode by Amanda Neipris and editing thanks go to Greg Leahy.