Listener mail call: 30 years of SEGA Genesis

Yes, somehow the SEGA Genesis will be turning 30 years old next month. (Or at least, its Japanese counterpart the Mega Drive will be.) And it seems only fitting for us to put together a podcast about the occasion. After all, we relaunched Retronauts with a 30th anniversary celebration of the Nintendo Entertainment System! Seems only fair. Also, our Genesis 20th anniversary celebration ended up being somewhat derailed by a rather vocal SEGA detractor who spent the whole show talking about how terrible Genesis was... we gotta make amends for that.

In light of things like SEGA Ages launching on Switch, the recent Genesis Collection, and SEGA delaying its mini-Genesis console to make sure it's done right, it seems only right for us to take a moment and look back at the day the 16-bit console wars were set into motion. Think of this as a companion piece to our recent SEGA arcade-focused episodes! As ever, we want to get you, the Retronauts community, in on the action by way of listener mail.

So, as ever, please drop us a line. And here is your writing prompt:

What is your single favorite SEGA Genesis memory or game?

You can contribute one of two ways: One, simply post in the comments below! Alternately, you can send me an email message at jparish [at] retronauts [dot] com.

The usual rules apply. Please tender your submission no later than end of day Oct. 1! And please try to keep your submission shorter than 200 words—not that we don't appreciate the enthusiasm that fuels feature-length letter submissions, but there's just not enough time to read those bad boys aloud in their entirety. Thanks!

Header image by Evan Amos. Support his work by picking up his upcoming book!