Recount the pocket-sized adventures of Mario in Episode 281
Just look at that l'il guy go.
, by Jeremy Parish
A king's (River City) ransom of Kunio-Kun classics
A terrific collection and unprecedented feat of localisation
, by Stuart Gipp
Between Paperboy and RoboCop, the '80s were a tough time to work the streets
Death rides a... bicycle?
, by Jeremy Parish
Retronauts Episode 276: Atari Lynx
This week we discuss Atari's super-size handheld that couldn't keep up with the Game Boy.
, by Bob Mackey
Re(?)Considered: ZZT
:touch The legacy and importance of ZZT's #zap touch #end :touch formative game language
, by Stuart Gipp
Revisit an age before Atari 2600 in Episode 275
Yeah, there were consoles back then.
, by Jeremy Parish
All Together Then: Aero the Acro-Bat
Possibly the most words ever written about this series
, by Stuart Gipp
Travel back in time by the decade (again) in Episode 273
Kick off 2020 with a look back at 1970, 1980, 1990, and... well, that's as far as we got.
, by Jeremy Parish
Portrait of Ruin paints a surprisingly pretty picture
[Insert Picture of Dorian Gray joke here]
, by Stuart Gipp