Retronauts Holiday Extravaganza 2016: Christmas Comes to Pac-Land
After yet another year of podcasting, it's time to tie a bow on 2016 with an annual trip to the Retronauts Holiday cabin in Parts Unknown. And this time around, we set our sights on Christmas Comes to Pac-Land, a TV special that gently lulled a generation of chomp-obsessed children to sleep when it premiered way back in 1982. On this very special episode, join Bob Mackey, Henry Gilbert, and Chris Antista as the crew examines this televised lump of Christmas coal in much greater detail than any of its creators ever did.
Libsyn (1:10:34 | MP3 Download | SoundCloud)
(Psst... here's a link to Christmas Comes to Pac-Land if you want to watch it yourself.)