The zine's the thing
As outlined in our "let's make Retronauts a full-time venture!" post from last week, our next Patreon backer reward mailing (due in a few months) will be dropping posters and stickers as rewards — they're expensive to produce and I can't seem to find evidence that anyone likes them — in favor of digital and print editions of a Retronauts fanzine. By "Retronauts fanzine" I do not mean a book created by fans of the show; I just mean an amateur-style hand-crafted mini-magazine. Like they did in the ’90s. It's retro!
Since the announcement went out, I've taken to carrying a spiral-bound drawing book and a few different kinds of pens with me wherever I go, so I can toss together doodles and notes for the first of these ’zines:
So that's the frontispiece, if it's not too ludicrous to use the word "frontispiece" in relation to a hand-drawn/written semi-pro booklet. Next up, I need to buy some rubber cement so I can take this project to the next level with lots of sloppy manual paste-ups of xeroxed photos and box art scans...