Expanded Tiers, New Additions, and a Hint of Things to Come
Well, the weekend has come and gone, and we just squeaked past $30,000 -- no doubt thanks to the help of sites like Polygon, Kotaku, and Tiny Cartridge, who each gave us some helpful publicity. Thanks, dudes! If you happen to be connected to a video game site and would like to write about our Kickstarter, let us know -- we'd be more than willing to give you a tasty quote and a shout-out of our own.
That said, you may have noticed we've already met our new theme song stretch goal (hooray!), and if what we want to happen actually happens, well, you'd best order some new socks because the ones on your feet will undoubtedly be knocked off. We'll try to give you more information on this as soon as we can!
And, once again, we've expanded our reward tiers -- so if you missed out on ordering a DVD or the illustrious combo pack, you're in luck! We've also added a new tier which can net you an original, framed piece of video game fan art for a $250 donation. So far, we've enlisted Bill Mudron, Rusty Shackles, Nick Daniel, and K.C. Green -- even our own Jeremy Parish will be lending his talents to this reward tier. And we're currently in the process of finding other artists who'd like to contribute. We'll be sure to let you know more on this as soon as we do.
We'll also be working with the fine people at Fangamer to make sure our rewards are of the highest quality. They'll also be contributing some amazing merch to reward tiers we hope to announce very soon. (Geez, don't we sound like a broken record?)
In closing, we're coming incredibly close to hitting our next stretch goal, which will give Retronauts the power to create video content -- and we have some great ideas that will entertain and delight you. So please, spread the word! We'd definitely appreciate it. And just in case you're not aware, here are all of our Internet haunts: