Retronauts Pocket Episode 24: Skyblazer

Mega Man without the guns? Or is it Hook without the... hook? One thing is for sure: it's Skyblazer, a fun action game for the Super NES from Sony Imagesoft, the developers' follow-up to their game based on the movie Hook. Skyblazer was not flashy nor an anticipated sequel, which didn't help its chances in 1994, going up against some of the biggest soon-to-be-classics of the generation. And that's a shame, because it is a challenging, well put-together action game with with a focus on close-range fighting, occasional acrobatics, and getting past enemies that take too much of your health.

We talk about this and more on the show -- including developer Ukiyotei's other work, more of Skyblazer's similarities to Mega Man, and of course, a strong suggestion that you seek it out and play it.

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