Super NES Mini Countdown: #8 | Final Fantasy III
Singing operatic praises to an all-time RPG great.
Singing operatic praises to an all-time RPG great.
Share your wisdom and memories in our next SEGA arcade history episode!
So close, chronologically speaking, to Final Fantasy II... yet so far away.
The Black Dragon joins us for a text-based journey into an influential adventure.
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Taking a spinning leap and destroy your liver with this Metroid-themed punch.
Or at least, they're patching it up halfway.
Whether you're a Kid, a Fighter, or just straight Trippin', there's a balloony adventure just waiting for you. [Updated]
Nintendo put their everyman behind the wheel of a go-kart and created a new genre of racing.
The NES classic found its full potential realized in handheld form (and also by Hello Kitty).