Streets of Rage 4 announced after 24 years - What's in a trailer?
It's a good news day.
Some thought they would never see this happen -- especially if you've been privy to all the attempts to bring this loved franchise back over the years. We've had ones that were in development but were later canned, ones that were proposed but rejected, and indeed fan projects that gathered steam only to be cut short...but today, the news is here. DotEmu, in partnership with Sega, Lizardcube and Guard Crush Games, have announced Streets of Rage 4. We don't know for what platforms yet, nor do we have a release date, but we do have a trailer -- and here it is.
For many, this is the big one from Sega's archives -- especially now that old skool Sonic has Mania under its belt. Perhaps the success of that particular revival has something to do with this? Or perhaps even the Shenmue remake from just last week? After those two, and arguably behind only Sonic alone, is Streets of Rage -- the one franchise that everyone has been clamouring for Sega to bring back for years now. Not that there isn't a whole load of games we'd like to see from them of course, but Streets of Rage is at the top of most people's lists -- and since this was announced, the Internet has frankly gone ballistic.
So what do we know? DotEmu are a French retro game publisher who you may well know, as they've been involved in quite a lot of projects and adaptations for newer systems such as Windjammers, Final Fantasy VI, and Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap. Speaking of Wonder Boy, that's where Lizardcube come from -- they developed the very well received remake of said game. Guard Crush, meanwhile, cut their teeth on one of many games that pay heavy tribute to Sega's classic -- Streets of Fury, a rather fun beat-'em-up with lashings of Mortal Kombat and Pit-Fighter in its souped up digitised graphics. Now they have the opportunity to work on a sequel to the legend.

What can the trailer tell us? It's not pixels -- Streets of Rage 4 is heavily animated and cartoony, and is looking quite lush so far. The game is set an interminable time after the original trilogy -- Axel Stone is rocking a pretty solid beard, but Blaze Fielding looks much the same. Goons aside (Garcia, Electra, Big Ben, Y. Signal and others all make appearances), Axel and Blaze are the only two characters confirmed -- you would expect that considering that they're the two consistents through every game, but it doesn't mean that there's not going to be room for Skate, Max, Zan...maybe even Adam? Who knows. There's no Mr. X either as of yet -- one would presume that he's dead, but lord only knows with him.
There's other familiar sights in and around the trailer, although they're not shoved in your face. One look at Blaze's introduction screen and, to the side of her, you can see the legendary neon sign of the Pine Pot bar. Plenty of the classic moves are there, and the soundtrack has that clear sound to it...although of course, nothing has been said about the involvement of either Yuzo Koshiro or Motohiro Kawashima. This minute-long trailer brings up many a question, clearly -- and there's lots more to pick out I'm sure, but for now most people are too busy screaming to do it as Sega's goodwill tour of 2018 continues. Normally I'd say "now, [insert game] next please!" but let's face it -- what else is better than Streets of Rage 4?