Retronauts Episode 159: Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
This week, we take a look at the blast from the past that revived the Metal Gear Solid series.
This week, we take a look at the blast from the past that revived the Metal Gear Solid series.
Very bad if you fall in!
Well, not "ultimate", but definitely authoritative—thanks to insights from series creator Richard Garriott.
This week, we take a trip to the '80s and beyond and see how Nintendo (and others) made the world of gaming less inclusive.
This week, we take a look at the Wii U of the early '00s.
(Plus or minus a minute or two; this isn't an exact science, here.)
The two-parter conversation that is Episode 150 says they kinda did!
Go east, young man.
We field your questions and comments about Sonic's move to the world of polygons.
The Retronauts gang performs a postmortem on Sonic's first REAL 3D blast.
Come for the panel, stick around for the impossible deathmatch.