Doom gets reloaded on PS4/XB1/Switch
OK, Doomer
The most beloved games company in the world, Bethesda, have announced on some sort of stream that their slightly disappointing modern ports of Doom and Doom 2 are soon to be getting some quite significant updates. On top of unspecified quality-of-life upgrades (60fps, etc), they'll be throwing in Final Doom (a terrifyingly hard 64-level ordeal), No Rest For The Living (a very enjoyable extra episode, previously included with last-gen versions of Doom 2), Sigil (John Romero's recent brand new "MegaWAD", a full episode for the original Doom) and - most intriguingly - support for community WADs.
The extent of said community support is unknown, but naturally it's going to be heavily curated - I imagine there's no chance of the major consoles freely allowing user-generated content that originated outside of their ecosystem - but it's still pretty exciting to think we might get classic WADs like Alien Vendetta and Scythe on consoles.

The inclusion of Final Doom is cool in a completist sense, but I've never found it that much fun and on console I can't see myself getting past about, ooh, level three. No Rest For The Living was really good and interesting so it's a welcome inclusion that had confused me with its initial absence. I haven't yet played Sigil and I've heard mixed things but for free, sure, I'll give it a go!
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention - apparently all of this will be free. Good old Bethesda! Bless their cotton socks! Boy, am I glad we live in a world with companies like Bethesda just doin' their gosh-darndest to make us gamers happy! (Clicks heels) Oooooh-wee!