Retronauts Episode 366: Sam & Max Save the World
All Cops Are Mammals

How's this for a throwback, folks: 15 years ago, in Retronauts episode number four (FOUR!), we discussed the LucasArts video game Sam & Max Hit the Road to commemorate the then-brand-new Telltale Games release of Sam & Max Save the World. We later revisited the topic of the original Sam & Max game much more in-depth in episode 286.
But this week, what once was new is now retro and we have turned our sights on Sam & Max Save the World again. As it happens, it is again to celebrate a new-release of sorts: Skunkape Games, a studio composed of former Telltale developers, has remastered the game for PC and the Nintendo Switch. Bob speaks to Jake Rodkin and Dan Connors about their past with Telltale, what it took to bring back Sam & Max in the early-Aughts, and then what changes had to be made to bring them back again in the roaring Twenties.
Description: It's finally happened: a game once covered as a new release by this very podcast is now officially retro! And that game is Sam & Max Save the World, the 2006-2007 episodic release that brought about the grand return of Sam and Max 13 years after their original video game outing. Now, 15 more years have passed, and while Telltale has since dissolved, former members of the company scooped up the rights and released a spiffy new remastered version. On this episode of Retronauts, join host Bob Mackey as he grills Skunkape Games' Jake Rodkin and Dan Connors about the rabbit and dog duo's newly refurbished adventures.
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As with all of the episodes Bob produces, this week’s cover art is by Nick Daniel. Check out his Twitter, or patronize his Patreon!