Retronauts Episode 546: Ace Attorney part 2
Featuring podcasters not wearing a tie at all!

Two years and 152 episodes ago, host Bob Mackey consulted with Nina Matsumoto and Maddie Copp to deliver a thorough deposition regarding Capcom's initial trilogy of legalese adventure games, Ace Attorney. We shared the official audio of those proceedings exclusively with our Patreon supporters.
Today, following a court order, the triumvirate has reconvened to cross-examine one another concerning the remainder of the series to date. Featuring new and returning characters, special guests belonging to rival publishers, and even a certain famous detective from the public domain, Capcom has seen fit to revisit and refresh this franchise many times. Recording a second podcast is, legally speaking, the very least we could do.
Description: After the initial trilogy, Ace Attorney took some find to find itself once the book was seemingly closed on Phoenix Wright. From spinoffs to crossovers to soft reboots featuring new characters, Capcom's beloved adventure game series went through some ups and downs before returning to the steady level of quality we've come to expect. On this weeks episode, join Bob Mackey, Nina Matsumoto, and Maddie Copp as the crew explores just where Ace Attorney has been in the 15 years since its first finale.
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As with all of the episodes Bob produces, this week’s cover art is by Nick Daniel. Check out his Twitter, or patronize his Patreon!