Retronauts Pocket Episode 18: Nintendo Merchandise

Coming off the heels of last week's talk about game media, which was a particularly rich trip down memory lane, we have this week's episode of Retronauts Pocket, which explores another part of retro gaming minus the actual gaming: the merch! If you're of our generation, where your childhood was defined by 20-to-30- year-old games, then there's a good chance you came across a sticker sheet, a pack of trading cards, a bedding set, or whatever else branded with your favorite game characters.

With that in mind, we take a different trip down memory lane and touch on some highlights of Nintendo's early journeys into Mario, Zelda, etc. merchandise. The cereal, the shampoo, the cake pans, and some special attention paid to Nintendo Power's Super Power Club catalog. Join us, won't you? And feel free to talk about any of the trinkets we didn't!

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