Retronauts Micro 93: Sega Pico
We take a look back at Sega's brief flirtation with edutainment via their lil' laptop for kids.

Episode description: In 1994, Sega released the Pico: a cute little purple-and-teal suitcase that ran on Genesis hardware and promised to enhance young minds rather than rot them. While it was a neat little piece of tech at the time, America didn't take as kindly to the Pico as Japan did--though Sega's little "learning computer" managed to touch a few tiny lives before it disappeared with only 20 releases to its name. On this episode of Retronauts Micro, join Bob Mackey, Henry Gilbert, and Pico enthusiast Sam Leichtamer (of GameSpot) as the crew explores the computer that thinks it's a toy.
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As with all of the episodes I personally produce, this week’s cover art is by Nick Daniel. Check out his Twitter, or patronize his Patreon!