Retronauts Episode 246: Demon's Souls
We touch the demon inside us to talk about one of the most influential games of the last generation.
, by Bob Mackey
We touch the demon inside us to talk about one of the most influential games of the last generation.
Look behind you, a three-headed podcast!
It's the best-looking podcast here.
[Insert cryptic, muffled voice clip sample here]
Join us as we catch up with the past six months of your comments and questions.
Join us as we look at the video game movie that doesn't know it's a video game movie.
And dream of becoming a virtual pilot for the Rebellion. (Or Empire, you monster.)
Look forward to the faux-Shakespearean remake of this episode in 10 years.
Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme: bowtie and the brat.
We reflect upon the one magical year when TMNT reigned supreme.