Retronauts Episode 489: Inside Star Control with Pistol Shrimp
Recorded live from the Alaskan wilderness to prevent any publisher interference
, by Diamond Feit
Retronauts Episode 485: Final Fantasy IV: The After Years
These wizards came from the moon before it was cool
, by Diamond Feit
Retronauts Episode 461: LIVE ~ The Games That Shaped Japan / Documenting Video Game History
A double-header of deep-dives into gaming's past
, by Diamond Feit
Retronauts Episode 410: Castlevania Ranking Hootenanny
They can't all be winners, but there are no losers here
, by Diamond Feit
Retronauts Episode 395: Breath of Fire III & IV
This week, we discuss the PlayStation adventures of Ryu and Nina.
, by Bob Mackey