Nintendo dumps 20 years of Smash Bros. into one cartridge
Finally, Masahiro Sakurai can return to his home planet, his mission on Earth complete.
, by Stuart Gipp
The dumbest game about America finally comes to America
Now everyone can write their own giddily ironic blog posts about Metal Wolf Chaos.
, by Stuart Gipp
GameStop employees breathe a sigh of relief as Battletoads become reality
You can knock it off with the crank calls now.
, by Stuart Gipp
Re(?)Considered: Futurama
Good news, everyone! It's a licensed game that isn't terrible.
, by Stuart Gipp
Re(?)Considered: Cosmic Spacehead
Finding the candyfloss amidst the, uh, candydross.
, by Stuart Gipp
Re(?)Considered | Spyro: Attack of the Rhynocs
With Spyro set to return, our new column looks at one adventure that won't be getting remastered.
, by Stuart Gipp