Retronauts Episode 410: Castlevania Ranking Hootenanny
They can't all be winners, but there are no losers here

A few months ago, four Retronauts got together and used the unbiased lens of science to rank all the mainline Mega Man games. Now that October is upon us, and with the recent 35th anniversary of the very first game passing us by, we're back with another "hootenanny" as we decide which Castlevania games are the greatest of all time...and which come up short. Last time it was numerical, this time it's tier-based, but the results are no less binding—even if nothing here is sub-D-tier and therefore at least playable if not necessarily enjoyable.
Joining host Nadia Oxford (from Axe of the Blood God) for over two-hours is regular whip-cracker Jeremy Parish, Hardcore Gaming 101's Kurt Kalata (read his book about Castlevania), and a well-established vampire fan who's written oodles of words about the series, Diamo-wait, what? *holds hand to ear* I'm not on this episode?
Description: Show regular Nadia Oxford power-ups to co-host status to challenge Jeremy Parish and Kurt Kalata to a battle of wits (or at least opinions) about the Castlevania series: Which games are best, which are worst, and why are our rankings objectively correct?
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Artwork for this episode by John Pading and editing thanks go to Greg Leahy.