Retronauts Episode 492: Star Fox Part 2
21st Century Star Fox at last

Nintendo's Star Fox series has a fascinating backstory, given the technical prowess needed to even get the game running on the Super Nintendo, making it unique amongst first-party titles from the Kyoto game giant. This week's episode will not be covering that story, however, because we already went over the origins of the franchise in episode 490, an exclusive for our Patreon supporters.
Instead, this episode covers the rest of Star Fox, beginning with Star Fox Adventures for the GameCube (which has its own tumultuous tale of development) and continuing right up through Star Fox Zero, the final game released to date in the series. These games aren't nearly as beloved as the initial releases back in the 1990s but don't worry, host Bob Mackey along with returning guests Henry Gilbert, Diamond Feit, and Kat Bailey find plenty to talk about—and not all of it negative!
Also, if there are any native Saurian speakers out there, I apologize for my casual mockery of your language; I wrongfully presumed it was gibberish. A xefo 0ei vadt ak ad 0eih xouhk ke vehwalo mo veh m0 khudjwhojjaed udt ted'k kocc Jeremy ureik ud0 ev kxaj.
Description: pending
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As with all of the episodes Bob produces, this week’s cover art is by Nick Daniel. Check out his Twitter, or patronize his Patreon!