Retronauts Episode 527: South Park
All celebrity voices are impersonated...poorly.

South Park debuted the summer before I turned 21 years old and I don't know if anything could have been more laser-targeted at me and my generation. Even having spent my teenage years discovering anime and accepting that animation could contain "mature" language and themes, I was still taken aback by Trey Parker and Matt Stone's intentionally crude and acerbic program featuring foul-mouthed children, graphic violence, and a sentient piece of excrement.
25 seasons and a movie later, South Park continues to deliver its unique perspective on current events thanks to the show's famously fast turnaround time. More relevant to our podcast, South Park has also crossed over into the world of video games on many occasions. The first release came in 1998 barely a year after the show's premiere, while the most recent incarnation is available on the Nintendo Switch.
Against type, Stuart Gipp hosts this week's episode about a very American topic, joined by professional cartoon explainers Bob Mackey and Henry Gilbert. Let's fighting love!
Description: Oh my god! They recorded a podcast about South Park! Stuart Gipp, Bob Mackey, and Henry Gilbert unite as What A Cartoon! meets Retronauts in sweary effect. All together now! Weeeelllll… Kyle's mom's a b—
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Artwork for this episode by S Edward Sloane and editing thanks go to Greg Leahy.