Retronauts Episode 593: Contra Ranking Hootenanny
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For the first time in 2024, we've circled the wagons and had ourselves a hootenanny, all so we can rank every entry in a series we love. This time around, we're running and gunning our way through the Contra series—or should I say Probotector, given how many European podcasters we have on the show this week.
If you're ready for possibly the longest episode of Retronauts ever recorded, tune in for host Stuart Gipp and guests John Linneman, Audi Sorlie, and Thomas Nickel to find out which Probo, er, Contra game reigns supreme.
Description: Let’s argue aggressively! No, wait, that sounds unpleasant. Let’s have a lovely time nicely. Stuart Gipp, John Linneman, Thomas Nickel, and Audi Sorlie Probotect and serve up the definitive ranking of Konami’s hit run n’ gun series: Contra.
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MP3, 102 MB | 3:42:36 Direct download Retronauts on iTunes Retronauts at Audioboom
Artwork for this episode by Leeann Hamilton and editing thanks go to Greg Leahy.