Retronauts Episode 650: Antonblast & Grapple Dog
again, we don't make the rules

So there's this rule—one that's both ironclad and completely illusory—that says a game turns retro on its 10th anniversary. Some people online love to complain about this standard with a straight face, but here's the thing: We break this rule all the time. If a new game carries a long legacy or simply reads to us as retro despite its age, we will absolutely record a podcast about it.
This week, host Stuart Gipp goes one step further and talks to developers Tony Grayson and Joseph Gribbin about two brand-new games, Antonblast and Grapple Dog. The latter came out just two years ago—followed by a sequel this past September—while the former will be ready a few weeks from now. We hope this conversation helps both games find a wider audience!
Description: A talkative Stuart Gipp talks to Tony Grayson about Antonblast, and Joseph Gribbin about Grapple Dogs: Cosmic Canines. It’s a jam-indie-bo-jump-a-ree!
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Artwork for this episode by Leeann Hamilton and editing thanks go to Greg Leahy.