Share your thoughts on Axiom Verge!
Yep, it's another one of those reader mailbag calls — the first of several this week.
It's that time again: Time for me to harvest your feedback for an upcoming episode of Retronauts. This one will be a little different than usual, though. I'll be recording an episode about Axiom Verge tomorrow, which is not precisely a retro game (what with it having debuted two years ago). That's not really what makes it different, though; rather, this episode I'll be interviewing Thomas Happ, the man who effectively created the game singlehandedly on his own, and Dan Adelman, who has been instrumental in making sure people actually know that Axiom Verge exists and that they should play it.
We'll be discussing the creation of the game, of course, but also its very deep and very obvious classic gaming roots. As part of that conversation, I'd love to be able to bring thoughts and opinions about the game from the Retronauts community into the episode. And while it's not as though Thomas is precisely inaccessible, this is also an opportunity to ask him (or Dan) any questions about the game that may be on your mind.
As always, drop me an email at jparish [at] retronauts [dot] com by noon PT tomorrow (Tuesday Nov. 28) and I'll try to include it in the episode. (You can also post a comment here, but I'll be prioritizing email messages since they're easier to sort through during a recording session.) Please try to keep your comments to around 200 words, if you'd be so kind.
And if Axiom Verge isn't your jam (for some weird reason), stay tuned — there'll be plenty of other mailbag soliciations this week as part of our build up to this weekend and our final in-studio marathon recording session for 2017!