Secret mysteries of Japanese game design — revealed!
And by a Game Boy game you've never heard of, at that.
, by Jeremy Parish
And by a Game Boy game you've never heard of, at that.
"Mommy, where do Steel Divers come from?" "Well, when a Radar Mission and a 3DS love each other very very much..."
"Roadster? I don't even know 'er!"
Maybe not, but Monster Truck for Game Boy definitely ranks toward the bottom.
The threat of matching blocks is never far away on this system.
100 down, another 1000 or so to go.
You may never have heard of Astro Rabby, but it loves you anyway.
Airplanes and submarines and Daisies, oh my.
Want to check out Squaresoft's classic action-RPGs? Good news: You have options! [Updated 8/25/17]
Yeah, it's another look at Nintendo's Baseball. For some reason.