Retronauts Episode 350: Crash Bandicoot
He's totally in my face

350! That is a lot of episodes! We thank you for sticking with us through so many years in order to reach this vaunted number.
And to commemorate this historic occasion, we are covering a long-overdue topic: Crash Bandicoot. Back in the 1990s, every console simply had to have its own mascot platformer, and for a few years there it looked like Crash might become the face of Sony the way Mario and Sonic repped Nintendo and Sega. Things didn't quite turn out that way, but Crash certainly got a few years in the spotlight, and guests Stuart Gipp and Digital Foundry's John Linneman argue that he was worthy.
If I haven't sold you on this episode yet, what I promise you that Jeremy invokes the Japanese story of Rashomon and Stuart immediately points out he should have said Crashomon?? It's true, all of it.
Description: Jeremy Parish, Stuart Gipp, and John Linneman of Digital Foundry smash, bash, dash, and splash their way through the jungles of video game history to excavate the history behind Sony's most beloved mascot hero. No, not Blasto. We're talking' Crash!
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Artwork for this episode by Shaan Khan and editing thanks go to Greg Leahy.