Retronauts Episode 560: Metroidvania's First Decade/The History of Epoch
so Long Island you can almost taste the six-foot party wedge

Look, living in Japan has its advantages. Sushi is cheap and plentiful, medical care is actually affordable, and the threat of gun violence against non-politicians is virtually nil. And with so many video game publishers and console makers based here, there's no shortage of opportunities to revel in retro game history.
This summer I (Diamond Feit) took a break from all that—and escape Japan's notoriously brutal August climate—to spend time in New York with family. But it wasn't all pizza and ice cream because I also made time to meet up with a bunch of veteran Retronauts at the Long Island Retro Gaming Expo. After years of sending my podcasts and columns out into the digital void, it was a wonderful opportunity to meet people I've only known as disembodied voices, as well as receive first-hand feedback from listeners I would otherwise never see.
This week's episode is an amalgam of two panels recorded in Long Island on August 12th, both hosted by Jeremy Parish. First up, Jeremy wrangles Nadia Oxford, Kat Bailey, Jared Petty, and myself into a planetarium to talk about Metroidvanias in the 1980s (Castlevania II fans, you will be thrilled). In our second segment, Jeremy and Kevin Bunch explain "weirdo gaming pioneers" Epoch—those are Jeremy's words, not mine!
Description: Another live presentation from Long Island! Jeremy Parish, Nadia Oxford, Diamond Feit, Kat Bailey, and Jared Petty mull the prehistory of the metroidvania genre. Then, Jeremy Parish and Kevin Bunch dive into the history of Epoch, the original also-ran.
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MP3, 54 MB | 1:51:18 Direct download Retronauts on iTunes Retronauts at Audioboom
Artwork for this episode by Nick Wanserski and editing thanks go to Greg Leahy.