Retronauts Episode 596: Retro Game Lyrics
"I/forgot/to praise/Parappa. We/forgot/to praise/Parappa."

I grew up in an incredible decade for music, the 1980s. A synthesizer in every home, a power ballad in every movie, and by decade's end we had hard rock bands like Guns N' Roses climbing the charts.
Yet even with that soundscape inundating my young ears with choice riffs, it was video game music that worked its way into my heart.On the podcast this week, we're examining a specific subset of video game music, tracing the rise of lyrics as the medium advanced from simple electronic sounds to rich CD-quality tunes.
Nadia Oxford has hosting duties this time, joined by Diamond Feit (that's me) and Bob Mackey. Together the three of us share tales of discovering the power of hearing arcade games and later our home consoles break out into song.
Description: Nadia Oxford, Bob Mackey, and Diamond Feit revisit early examples of lyrics in game music: The Good, the Bad, and the Discordant.
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MP3, 50 MB | 1:42:22 Direct download Retronauts on iTunes Retronauts at Audioboom
Editing thanks for this episode go to Greg Leahy.