Retronauts Episode 647: The Terminator
What day is it? The date? What year!?

When The Terminator debuted on October 26th 1984 and introduced the world to Sarah Conner, Skynet, and the Cyberdyne Systems Model 101, it changed pop culture history. James Cameron's low-budget opus proved he could spin one hell of a yarn and lead actor Arnold Schwarzenegger could fill roles other than villainous bodybuilders and sword-swinging barbarians.
Host Diamond Feit welcomes frequent Retronauts host Jeremy Parish and Cinema Oblivia host James Eldred to the podcast to breakdown who made The Terminator, why it still works 40 years and many sequels later, and how early 90s video games struggled to adapt its action-packed story into engaging entertainment software.
Description: Forget the time displacement device: in this podcast Diamond Feit, Jeremy Parish, and James Eldred take you back 40 years to 1984 to the debut of the sci-fi action classic, The Terminator.
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Artwork for this episode by John Pading and editing thanks go to Greg Leahy.